causes of bloating

remember that i bloated before?
here are some information about bloating..

have a nice day w/thout bloating every1~

Bloating is an extremely common problem. Consider the surge of probiotic yogurt and drinks that have flooded the market in recent years, all aimed at reducing abdominal bloating. Scan the newsagent's shelves and you're sure to find several glossy magazines with headlines featuring articles on "HOW TO BEAT THE BLOAT!" Television commercials are peppered with advertisements promoting products containing 'friendly bacteria' challenging us to eat our way to a flat stomach within 14 days. So many products, so many solutions. But what causes the bloating in the first place?

Well almost certainly the problem lies in the food we eat. Although it should be pointed out that in some cases bloating can be an indicator of a more serious underlying condition, for most people, bloating is due to sensitivity to particular foods. The reasons why are unclear. It would be easy to blame modern day living and a diet of junk food however sometimes some of the healthiest products can turn out to be the worst culprits. Broccoli, cabbage, beans and pulses are among the most common offenders. However some people find themselves bloating up after even the most innocent of snacks for example, a cheese sandwich or a bowl of mushroom soup.

So how do you discover the cause of your bloating and can you ever get rid of it? Well you could continue with the usual remedies such as:

eating the probiotic yogurts
taking charcoal tablets
and drinking peppermint tea which will almost certainly soothe the discomfort.

All of these can make you feel better in the short term however they won't help you get to the root of the problem and find a more permanent solution. For this you will need to take a more philosophical approach when considering what you eat and drink on a regular basis.

The easiest place to start is by trying an elimination diet. This involves following a strict, bland diet and keeping an accurate account of everything you consume and recording any reaction you may have. Provided the diet you follow is restrictive enough you should notice an improvement within a few days. Once your bloating has settled down you can begin re-introducing foods one at a time which will help you identify those causing you the problem. Elimination diets are not the most exciting eating plans however when followed properly they can produce quick results and set you on your way to overcoming bloating for good.

If you would like to reprint this article you may do so provided the text remains unchanged and you include the "Author Bio" statement below:

Elizabeth Hartley is the author and creator of The Flat Stomach Diet. This diet plan is the result of many years of research after consultation with doctors and professional nutritionists in an effort to discover the causes of painful abdominal cramps and bloating. The findings are based on personal experience after undergoing numerous medical tests and procedures and failing to find any other alternative long term solution. Details of The Flat Stomach Diet can be found at

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