kalau padi kata padi..
kalau jadi kata jadi..
ini adlh sgt bermasaalah bile hati tdk penyabar..
g gym nak turun 3-4kgs..
tp oklah..turun 1 kg...
tp besoknya dtg lagi...back to weight yg asal..
yes, blk nya turun 1 kg lagi..
tp berat camtuh jgk...
xde perubahan ke?
dah 2 weeks larrr....
huaaarrrrggggg :(((((
mari membaca~
sempena kempen mari membaca yang bla..bla..bla..
actually aku tertarik nak citer kat sini tentang beberapa jolokan yg tak membina sedang aku mengexplore blog2 masakan yg menjadi feveret aku..cam mamafami n mat gebu..
pada aku..mencari ilmu itu tdk slh..bakat juga boleh di asah..
huhu...aku sbnrnya mmg ada bakat memasak..cuma aku takde blog masakan..(blom lg)..
anyway...mencedok ilmu dr resepi org bkn sbb kita tak tahu memasak ok..kita boleh tambah skill baru..dan membaiki apa yg kurang...baru lah masakan kita akan bertambah2 sedap..
berbalik kpd kritikan yg aku terima, ada lah yg komplen kononnya, aku masak sdp selama nih sbb tgok resepi! so dia bg Gred B! so what?!
aku bg Gred A kpd diri sendiri..yuhuu..
p/s:sekadar warm up sbb dah lama tak de entry..haha.. :))
actually aku tertarik nak citer kat sini tentang beberapa jolokan yg tak membina sedang aku mengexplore blog2 masakan yg menjadi feveret aku..cam mamafami n mat gebu..
pada aku..mencari ilmu itu tdk slh..bakat juga boleh di asah..
huhu...aku sbnrnya mmg ada bakat memasak..cuma aku takde blog masakan..(blom lg)..
anyway...mencedok ilmu dr resepi org bkn sbb kita tak tahu memasak ok..kita boleh tambah skill baru..dan membaiki apa yg kurang...baru lah masakan kita akan bertambah2 sedap..
berbalik kpd kritikan yg aku terima, ada lah yg komplen kononnya, aku masak sdp selama nih sbb tgok resepi! so dia bg Gred B! so what?!
aku bg Gred A kpd diri sendiri..yuhuu..
p/s:sekadar warm up sbb dah lama tak de entry..haha.. :))
Macam mana kita nak pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai orang paling kita syg~
Pada suatu pagi di satu sekolah
menengah, ada seorang pelajar bertanya
pada seorang guru yang sedang
mengajar. Ketika itu, guru tersebut
sedang menyentuh mengenai kasih dan
sayang secara am. Dialog di antara
pelajar dan guru tersebut berbunyi
begini :
Pelajar : Cikgu, macam mana kita nak
pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai
orang paling kita sayang?. Macam mana
juga kasih sayang itu nak berkekalan?
Cikgu : Oh, awak nak tahu
ke?.Emmm...baiklah, sekarang kamu buat
apa yang saya suruh. Ikut je
ye...mungkin kamu akan dapat apa
Pelajar : Baiklah...apa yang saya
harus buat?
Cikgu : Kamu pergi ke padang sekolah
yang berada di luar kelas sekarang
juga. Kamu berjalan di atas rumput di
situ dan sambil memandang rumput di
depan kamu, pilih mana yang PALING
cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi
walaupun sekali. Dan kamu petiklah
rumput yang PALING cantik yang berada
di depan kamu tersebut dan selepas itu
bawa balik ke kelas.
Pelajar : Ok. Saya pergi sekarang dan
buat apa yang cikgu suruh.
Apabila pelajar tersebut balik semula
ke kelas, tiada pun rumput yang berada
di tangannya. Maka cikgu pun bertanya
kepada pelajar tersebut.
Cikgu : Mana rumput yang cikgu suruh
Pelajar : Oh, tadi saya berjalan di
atas rumput dan sambil memandang
rumput yang berada di situ, saya
carilah rumput yang paling cantik.
Memang ada banyak yang cantik tapi
cikgu kata petik yang paling cantik
maka saya pun terus berjalan ke depan
sambil mencari yang paling cantik
tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. Tapi
sampai di penghujung padang , saya tak
jumpa pun yang paling cantik. Mungkin
ada di antara yang di belakang saya
sebelum itu tapi dah cikgu cakap tak
boleh menoleh ke belakang semula, jadi
tiadalah rumput yang saya boleh petik.
Cikgu : Ya, itulah jawapannya.
Maknanya, apabila kita telah berjumpa
dengan seseorang yang kita sayang,
janganlah kita hendak mencari lagi
yang lebih baik daripada itu. Kita
patut hargai orang yang berada di
depan kita sebaik-baiknya. Janganlah
kita menoleh ke belakang lagi kerana
yang berlaku tetap dah berlaku. Dan
semoga yang berlalu tidak lagi
berulang. Jika kita berselisih faham
dengan orang yang kita sayang itu,
kita boleh perbetulkan keadaan dan
cuba teruskan perhubungan tersebut
walaupun banyak perkara yang menggugat
perhubungan tersebut. Dan ingatlah
orang yang kita sayang itulah kita
jumpa paling cantik dan paling baik
pada MULAnya walaupun nak ikutkan
banyak lagi yang cantik dan baik
seperti rumput tadi. KECUALILAH jika
perhubungan tersebut tak boleh
diselamatkan lagi, maka barulah kita
mulakan sekali lagi. Maka sayangilah
orang yang berada di depan kita dengan
tulus dan ikhlas
menengah, ada seorang pelajar bertanya
pada seorang guru yang sedang
mengajar. Ketika itu, guru tersebut
sedang menyentuh mengenai kasih dan
sayang secara am. Dialog di antara
pelajar dan guru tersebut berbunyi
begini :
Pelajar : Cikgu, macam mana kita nak
pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai
orang paling kita sayang?. Macam mana
juga kasih sayang itu nak berkekalan?
Cikgu : Oh, awak nak tahu
ke?.Emmm...baiklah, sekarang kamu buat
apa yang saya suruh. Ikut je
ye...mungkin kamu akan dapat apa
Pelajar : Baiklah...apa yang saya
harus buat?
Cikgu : Kamu pergi ke padang sekolah
yang berada di luar kelas sekarang
juga. Kamu berjalan di atas rumput di
situ dan sambil memandang rumput di
depan kamu, pilih mana yang PALING
cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi
walaupun sekali. Dan kamu petiklah
rumput yang PALING cantik yang berada
di depan kamu tersebut dan selepas itu
bawa balik ke kelas.
Pelajar : Ok. Saya pergi sekarang dan
buat apa yang cikgu suruh.
Apabila pelajar tersebut balik semula
ke kelas, tiada pun rumput yang berada
di tangannya. Maka cikgu pun bertanya
kepada pelajar tersebut.
Cikgu : Mana rumput yang cikgu suruh
Pelajar : Oh, tadi saya berjalan di
atas rumput dan sambil memandang
rumput yang berada di situ, saya
carilah rumput yang paling cantik.
Memang ada banyak yang cantik tapi
cikgu kata petik yang paling cantik
maka saya pun terus berjalan ke depan
sambil mencari yang paling cantik
tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. Tapi
sampai di penghujung padang , saya tak
jumpa pun yang paling cantik. Mungkin
ada di antara yang di belakang saya
sebelum itu tapi dah cikgu cakap tak
boleh menoleh ke belakang semula, jadi
tiadalah rumput yang saya boleh petik.
Cikgu : Ya, itulah jawapannya.
Maknanya, apabila kita telah berjumpa
dengan seseorang yang kita sayang,
janganlah kita hendak mencari lagi
yang lebih baik daripada itu. Kita
patut hargai orang yang berada di
depan kita sebaik-baiknya. Janganlah
kita menoleh ke belakang lagi kerana
yang berlaku tetap dah berlaku. Dan
semoga yang berlalu tidak lagi
berulang. Jika kita berselisih faham
dengan orang yang kita sayang itu,
kita boleh perbetulkan keadaan dan
cuba teruskan perhubungan tersebut
walaupun banyak perkara yang menggugat
perhubungan tersebut. Dan ingatlah
orang yang kita sayang itulah kita
jumpa paling cantik dan paling baik
pada MULAnya walaupun nak ikutkan
banyak lagi yang cantik dan baik
seperti rumput tadi. KECUALILAH jika
perhubungan tersebut tak boleh
diselamatkan lagi, maka barulah kita
mulakan sekali lagi. Maka sayangilah
orang yang berada di depan kita dengan
tulus dan ikhlas
Keep Yourself Motivated to Maximize Your Workout Sessions
chaiyo fared!
By Warren Reidhead
Probably the hardest thing we have to overcome while doing our workouts while we are on our fitness or weight loss program is the tendency to lose momentum because of boredom. Even though we know that the workout is going to benefit us; we still need to get past the tendency to put the workout off until tomorrow. Here are a few tips that might help to keep you motivated and to maximize your workout sessions.
*Redefine your goals. You need to set realistic goals; both short term and long term. Think about setting up workout goals as well as physical improvements that you want to see.
Your physical goal might be to lose one to two pounds a week; while your workout goal might be to run a mile in less than 8 or 10 minutes. Another example is that you might push yourself to do 100 pushups or sit ups. By pushing yourself to achieve both physical and workout mile posts you can push yourself to achieve your mini goals and this will help keep you motivated.
*Listen to some music while you are working out or running. This will help because you can keep time with the tempo of the music so be sure to play upbeat music.
*Get yourself a workout buddy. Just the companionship will help make the workout periods more fun. This will also help because your friend can push you when you are feeling down and you can do the same for your buddy when he wants to slack off.
*Take care of yourself and avoid injury. Make sure you warm up, stretch and cool down in a proper fashion. The worst thing you can do is injure yourself and have to take the time to recover.
*Keep a record and track your progress. Just by entering and looking at the progress you are making to reach your goal will keep that fire burning. When setting your goals make sure they are achievable; there is nothing worse than constantly falling short of what you want to achieve.
*Be proud of what you achieve. When you come right down to it; you only have to be true to yourself. As long as you are striving to reach your long term goals and you do not quit; you can take pride in what you are doing. Be the best that you can be; you cannot ask any more than that.
I hope that these few tips will help you and will spark your creativity to find other ways to keep yourself enthusiastic about pushing yourself to success. Be sure to share any tips you might find in your quest to be the best.
Visit our website at http://www.Geezer411.com for more exercise tips and information for better health. You can find samples of workouts and a free report about "177 Ways to Burn Calories".
You can also visit http://www.wileyweightloss.com for tips on weight loss and fitness.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Warren_Reidhead
p/s:hari nih mahu melihat2 gym kat uitm..yuhuuu..
By Warren Reidhead
Probably the hardest thing we have to overcome while doing our workouts while we are on our fitness or weight loss program is the tendency to lose momentum because of boredom. Even though we know that the workout is going to benefit us; we still need to get past the tendency to put the workout off until tomorrow. Here are a few tips that might help to keep you motivated and to maximize your workout sessions.
*Redefine your goals. You need to set realistic goals; both short term and long term. Think about setting up workout goals as well as physical improvements that you want to see.
Your physical goal might be to lose one to two pounds a week; while your workout goal might be to run a mile in less than 8 or 10 minutes. Another example is that you might push yourself to do 100 pushups or sit ups. By pushing yourself to achieve both physical and workout mile posts you can push yourself to achieve your mini goals and this will help keep you motivated.
*Listen to some music while you are working out or running. This will help because you can keep time with the tempo of the music so be sure to play upbeat music.
*Get yourself a workout buddy. Just the companionship will help make the workout periods more fun. This will also help because your friend can push you when you are feeling down and you can do the same for your buddy when he wants to slack off.
*Take care of yourself and avoid injury. Make sure you warm up, stretch and cool down in a proper fashion. The worst thing you can do is injure yourself and have to take the time to recover.
*Keep a record and track your progress. Just by entering and looking at the progress you are making to reach your goal will keep that fire burning. When setting your goals make sure they are achievable; there is nothing worse than constantly falling short of what you want to achieve.
*Be proud of what you achieve. When you come right down to it; you only have to be true to yourself. As long as you are striving to reach your long term goals and you do not quit; you can take pride in what you are doing. Be the best that you can be; you cannot ask any more than that.
I hope that these few tips will help you and will spark your creativity to find other ways to keep yourself enthusiastic about pushing yourself to success. Be sure to share any tips you might find in your quest to be the best.
Visit our website at http://www.Geezer411.com for more exercise tips and information for better health. You can find samples of workouts and a free report about "177 Ways to Burn Calories".
You can also visit http://www.wileyweightloss.com for tips on weight loss and fitness.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Warren_Reidhead
p/s:hari nih mahu melihat2 gym kat uitm..yuhuuu..
Specific Benefits of Walking Early in the Morning
Each and every human being has to do some kind of exercise daily. The best exercise for those who are above 35 is walking. But walking in the morning is the best. Will it not be enough if we walk in the evening? We can walk in the evening also. But it not gives some of the specific benefits that we can get, when we walk in the morning.
That is, when we walk or do exercise, some energy will be burnt. This energy will be taken from our body itself. But when we walk in the morning, when our stomach is empty, the energy required will be taken from our tissues and liver. In short, stored energy will be used up. i. e. when a person regularly walks in the morning, the stored energy will be burnt up, and after lunch the excess fat may be stored again. When the person walks again the next morning, the stored energy will again be burnt up. This process of burning up the fat and again storing will do so much good for the human body. The excess body weight will be reduced and the tummy will also be flattened. But when we walk in the evening, when there is food in the stomach, the energy required will be taken from the stomach itself, i. e. from the sumptuous lunch still available in the stomach, and there is no chance of burning the stored energy (Energy stored in the tissues, liver and tummy).
Moreover, there will be pure oxygen in the atmosphere early in the morning. There will be a calm and quiet ambiance. As we will be taking deep breathing while walking or doing exercise, there is every chance of pure oxygen spreading through our body in large quantities. Morning walk has to be done after answering the natures call, after cleaning the teeth and without drinking anything other than water.
By Jasilyne
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jasi_Lyne
That is, when we walk or do exercise, some energy will be burnt. This energy will be taken from our body itself. But when we walk in the morning, when our stomach is empty, the energy required will be taken from our tissues and liver. In short, stored energy will be used up. i. e. when a person regularly walks in the morning, the stored energy will be burnt up, and after lunch the excess fat may be stored again. When the person walks again the next morning, the stored energy will again be burnt up. This process of burning up the fat and again storing will do so much good for the human body. The excess body weight will be reduced and the tummy will also be flattened. But when we walk in the evening, when there is food in the stomach, the energy required will be taken from the stomach itself, i. e. from the sumptuous lunch still available in the stomach, and there is no chance of burning the stored energy (Energy stored in the tissues, liver and tummy).
Moreover, there will be pure oxygen in the atmosphere early in the morning. There will be a calm and quiet ambiance. As we will be taking deep breathing while walking or doing exercise, there is every chance of pure oxygen spreading through our body in large quantities. Morning walk has to be done after answering the natures call, after cleaning the teeth and without drinking anything other than water.
By Jasilyne
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jasi_Lyne
Going to the Gym for the First Time? Here's What You'll Need to Know
You've been thinking about it for quite some time now. You know you need to get your butt to the gym and start working out. You know you've gotten yourself out of shape and an hour or so in the gym three or four days a week sure wouldn't hurt.
Ok, so you've finally done it. You went down to the local fitness club and spent 2 weeks pay on a one year membership. You even went to the local K-Mart and got yourself some new exercise outfits. Now you're ready to go and get in shape. But before you do, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make your time in the gym productive, enjoyable and most of all, injury free.
WARM UP FIRST: this is very important to not only get your blood flowing but to minimize the risk of injury. some good warm up methods include walking on the treadmill for 10-15 minutes starting out at a slower pace then working up to a more brisk pace halfway through. Perform 10 minutes or so of stretching exercises such as toe touches, hurdlers stretches, twisting at the waist and reaching your arms out fully in every direction. before you do any exercises that involve using weights (biceps curls for example) do one set with half (50%) of the weight you'll be using to prepare the muscles, tendons and ligaments performing the exercise to better handle the heavier weight.
START OUT EASY: when you first get to the gym and you are ready to hit the weights, select an amount of weight at first that seems almost too light but still provides some resistance for each exercise. Remember that proper form, posture and technique are far more important than how much weight you are using. Also, you must give your connective tissue (tendons and ligaments) time to strengthen in order to help prevent injury from the heavier weights you'll be using later. You can always increase the weight as you go when you can do so without compromising proper form, posture and technique.
When you first get on the treadmill, stationary bike, stair climber or elliptical machine, remember that your heart probably isn't going to be in the kind of shape to go all out and for this reason you should take it at a slower pace for a while. Each week, pick up the pace and the length of time spent on these machines a little at a time. This will give your heart time to build up to faster paces and longer periods. Remember, your heart is a muscle and like any other muscle, it needs time to adjust to the stresses placed on it during exercise.
KEEP AN EXERCISE LOG: one of the best ways to monitor your workouts as well as your progress is to write out your exercise program, stick to it and write in the weights you use for each exercise, and when you're ready to increase the weight on any exercise, write it in.
On the treadmill or any other cardiovascular machine, write in your speeds and length of time spent. when your ready to make increases, write them in. in this way you not only are able to stay on a structured program ( which is far more productive that having no system ) but you can also keep track of the progress you are making and see how much progress you have made since you began. When you see that you're making good progress as you go, you will become more motivated to stick with it.
COOL DOWN: after you've completed your workout, take 10 minutes at a slow pace on the treadmill. This will let your body cool down a little slower and a slower cool down is easier on your heart than if you cooled down quickly. During this time, you can reflect on the workout you just performed and feel the sense of well being that exercise gives you.
Now that you know a few things that will help to make your gym experience a more productive, more enjoyable and more injury free one, you are ready to go and start working on getting the body of your dreams, the right way.
Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at: http://www.mrgymfitness.com/minicourse.php
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_O'Neill
Ok, so you've finally done it. You went down to the local fitness club and spent 2 weeks pay on a one year membership. You even went to the local K-Mart and got yourself some new exercise outfits. Now you're ready to go and get in shape. But before you do, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make your time in the gym productive, enjoyable and most of all, injury free.
WARM UP FIRST: this is very important to not only get your blood flowing but to minimize the risk of injury. some good warm up methods include walking on the treadmill for 10-15 minutes starting out at a slower pace then working up to a more brisk pace halfway through. Perform 10 minutes or so of stretching exercises such as toe touches, hurdlers stretches, twisting at the waist and reaching your arms out fully in every direction. before you do any exercises that involve using weights (biceps curls for example) do one set with half (50%) of the weight you'll be using to prepare the muscles, tendons and ligaments performing the exercise to better handle the heavier weight.
START OUT EASY: when you first get to the gym and you are ready to hit the weights, select an amount of weight at first that seems almost too light but still provides some resistance for each exercise. Remember that proper form, posture and technique are far more important than how much weight you are using. Also, you must give your connective tissue (tendons and ligaments) time to strengthen in order to help prevent injury from the heavier weights you'll be using later. You can always increase the weight as you go when you can do so without compromising proper form, posture and technique.
When you first get on the treadmill, stationary bike, stair climber or elliptical machine, remember that your heart probably isn't going to be in the kind of shape to go all out and for this reason you should take it at a slower pace for a while. Each week, pick up the pace and the length of time spent on these machines a little at a time. This will give your heart time to build up to faster paces and longer periods. Remember, your heart is a muscle and like any other muscle, it needs time to adjust to the stresses placed on it during exercise.
KEEP AN EXERCISE LOG: one of the best ways to monitor your workouts as well as your progress is to write out your exercise program, stick to it and write in the weights you use for each exercise, and when you're ready to increase the weight on any exercise, write it in.
On the treadmill or any other cardiovascular machine, write in your speeds and length of time spent. when your ready to make increases, write them in. in this way you not only are able to stay on a structured program ( which is far more productive that having no system ) but you can also keep track of the progress you are making and see how much progress you have made since you began. When you see that you're making good progress as you go, you will become more motivated to stick with it.
COOL DOWN: after you've completed your workout, take 10 minutes at a slow pace on the treadmill. This will let your body cool down a little slower and a slower cool down is easier on your heart than if you cooled down quickly. During this time, you can reflect on the workout you just performed and feel the sense of well being that exercise gives you.
Now that you know a few things that will help to make your gym experience a more productive, more enjoyable and more injury free one, you are ready to go and start working on getting the body of your dreams, the right way.
Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at: http://www.mrgymfitness.com/minicourse.php
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_O'Neill
causes of bloating
remember that i bloated before?
here are some information about bloating..
have a nice day w/thout bloating every1~
Bloating is an extremely common problem. Consider the surge of probiotic yogurt and drinks that have flooded the market in recent years, all aimed at reducing abdominal bloating. Scan the newsagent's shelves and you're sure to find several glossy magazines with headlines featuring articles on "HOW TO BEAT THE BLOAT!" Television commercials are peppered with advertisements promoting products containing 'friendly bacteria' challenging us to eat our way to a flat stomach within 14 days. So many products, so many solutions. But what causes the bloating in the first place?
Well almost certainly the problem lies in the food we eat. Although it should be pointed out that in some cases bloating can be an indicator of a more serious underlying condition, for most people, bloating is due to sensitivity to particular foods. The reasons why are unclear. It would be easy to blame modern day living and a diet of junk food however sometimes some of the healthiest products can turn out to be the worst culprits. Broccoli, cabbage, beans and pulses are among the most common offenders. However some people find themselves bloating up after even the most innocent of snacks for example, a cheese sandwich or a bowl of mushroom soup.
So how do you discover the cause of your bloating and can you ever get rid of it? Well you could continue with the usual remedies such as:
eating the probiotic yogurts
taking charcoal tablets
and drinking peppermint tea which will almost certainly soothe the discomfort.
All of these can make you feel better in the short term however they won't help you get to the root of the problem and find a more permanent solution. For this you will need to take a more philosophical approach when considering what you eat and drink on a regular basis.
The easiest place to start is by trying an elimination diet. This involves following a strict, bland diet and keeping an accurate account of everything you consume and recording any reaction you may have. Provided the diet you follow is restrictive enough you should notice an improvement within a few days. Once your bloating has settled down you can begin re-introducing foods one at a time which will help you identify those causing you the problem. Elimination diets are not the most exciting eating plans however when followed properly they can produce quick results and set you on your way to overcoming bloating for good.
If you would like to reprint this article you may do so provided the text remains unchanged and you include the "Author Bio" statement below:
Elizabeth Hartley is the author and creator of The Flat Stomach Diet. This diet plan is the result of many years of research after consultation with doctors and professional nutritionists in an effort to discover the causes of painful abdominal cramps and bloating. The findings are based on personal experience after undergoing numerous medical tests and procedures and failing to find any other alternative long term solution. Details of The Flat Stomach Diet can be found at http://www.flatstomachplan.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Hartley
here are some information about bloating..
have a nice day w/thout bloating every1~
Bloating is an extremely common problem. Consider the surge of probiotic yogurt and drinks that have flooded the market in recent years, all aimed at reducing abdominal bloating. Scan the newsagent's shelves and you're sure to find several glossy magazines with headlines featuring articles on "HOW TO BEAT THE BLOAT!" Television commercials are peppered with advertisements promoting products containing 'friendly bacteria' challenging us to eat our way to a flat stomach within 14 days. So many products, so many solutions. But what causes the bloating in the first place?
Well almost certainly the problem lies in the food we eat. Although it should be pointed out that in some cases bloating can be an indicator of a more serious underlying condition, for most people, bloating is due to sensitivity to particular foods. The reasons why are unclear. It would be easy to blame modern day living and a diet of junk food however sometimes some of the healthiest products can turn out to be the worst culprits. Broccoli, cabbage, beans and pulses are among the most common offenders. However some people find themselves bloating up after even the most innocent of snacks for example, a cheese sandwich or a bowl of mushroom soup.
So how do you discover the cause of your bloating and can you ever get rid of it? Well you could continue with the usual remedies such as:
eating the probiotic yogurts
taking charcoal tablets
and drinking peppermint tea which will almost certainly soothe the discomfort.
All of these can make you feel better in the short term however they won't help you get to the root of the problem and find a more permanent solution. For this you will need to take a more philosophical approach when considering what you eat and drink on a regular basis.
The easiest place to start is by trying an elimination diet. This involves following a strict, bland diet and keeping an accurate account of everything you consume and recording any reaction you may have. Provided the diet you follow is restrictive enough you should notice an improvement within a few days. Once your bloating has settled down you can begin re-introducing foods one at a time which will help you identify those causing you the problem. Elimination diets are not the most exciting eating plans however when followed properly they can produce quick results and set you on your way to overcoming bloating for good.
If you would like to reprint this article you may do so provided the text remains unchanged and you include the "Author Bio" statement below:
Elizabeth Hartley is the author and creator of The Flat Stomach Diet. This diet plan is the result of many years of research after consultation with doctors and professional nutritionists in an effort to discover the causes of painful abdominal cramps and bloating. The findings are based on personal experience after undergoing numerous medical tests and procedures and failing to find any other alternative long term solution. Details of The Flat Stomach Diet can be found at http://www.flatstomachplan.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Hartley
bloating can cause by overeating~
now, haku more cautious dlm pengambilan mknn..
overweight due to mkn byk, no exercise..
since last week, blk keje jogging..
tp lately, ujan..so en.tunang akan belikan basikal gym..
bleh kayuh dlm bilik...yuhuuu~
last 2 day, blk keje, ujan lbt..so p jln2 kat kefo subang.
pastu blk umah, lupa nak mkn..jadiknya lapo..
masak megi u...sebungkus aku lahap..
mlmnya, en.tunang kata jom p dinner..adoi..rasa cam kenyang, tp p jgk.
mkn sikit je..tom yam ayam, nasik 2 sudu je..seyesly..
tp pdhnya, kol 2am bley vomit evry single thing dr dlm perot..
esoknya..mc..(smlm le..)
dr mrh sbb mkn fast food(cik megi tu..)
rupa-rupanya..ada termakan kopok twisties jgk..
skng sgt insaf..
sy kene go thru right diet..
kali nih, dgn bantuan en.basikal + after 1 month,
sy mahu cuba en.dr romzey punya produk..
wish me luck!..
now, haku more cautious dlm pengambilan mknn..
overweight due to mkn byk, no exercise..
since last week, blk keje jogging..
tp lately, ujan..so en.tunang akan belikan basikal gym..
bleh kayuh dlm bilik...yuhuuu~
last 2 day, blk keje, ujan lbt..so p jln2 kat kefo subang.
pastu blk umah, lupa nak mkn..jadiknya lapo..
masak megi u...sebungkus aku lahap..
mlmnya, en.tunang kata jom p dinner..adoi..rasa cam kenyang, tp p jgk.
mkn sikit je..tom yam ayam, nasik 2 sudu je..seyesly..
tp pdhnya, kol 2am bley vomit evry single thing dr dlm perot..
esoknya..mc..(smlm le..)
dr mrh sbb mkn fast food(cik megi tu..)
rupa-rupanya..ada termakan kopok twisties jgk..
skng sgt insaf..
sy kene go thru right diet..
kali nih, dgn bantuan en.basikal + after 1 month,
sy mahu cuba en.dr romzey punya produk..
wish me luck!..
premenstrual syndrome~
Myths About Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Facts Behind the Symptoms
Despite the fact that premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is now generally attributed to hormonal changes, many people still challenge women who complain. Who hasn't heard the comment, "Oh, she must be PMSing," when a female cries or loses her temper? Snide remarks about aggressive women, whether they're in the boardroom or behind the wheel of a car, always elicit a few laughs.
Indeed, the debate rages on about whether PMS is just a psychosomatic condition or is a genuine product of the female reproductive system. Many experts support the fact that PMS does cause very real symptoms; however, even in our modern times, reports continue to surface that it may just be "all in your head."
What is PMS – Really?
Since the 1930s, mention of PMS has brought to light the many emotional and physical challenges women face in the days leading up to a period. Discussion, debate and research have led professionals down different paths in trying to tag symptoms and understand the entire menstrual cycle.
What they do know is that in an ideal environment, the ovaries produce eggs that travel through the fallopian tubes. In that time, hormones are released; in particular estrogen and progesterone. As an egg makes its way to the uterus in preparation for fertilization or sloughing off, these hormones perform a host of functions.
In conjunction with these events, chemicals in the body also respond and lend their support throughout the central nervous system. In the brain, neurotransmitters send signals that estrogen is rising or falling, for instance. This activity, scientists suggest, is responsible for a portion of PMS.
On the other hand, it seems that some doctors continue to dismiss women's claims that they may feel more tired or irritable at a certain time of the month. A few may even suggest that it is your "choice" to have PMS or not. This line of thinking leads to the many myths – and jokes – that surround premenstrual syndrome.
PMS – It's All In the Head
You sense a mild depression developing a few days before a period. You become a little clumsy, feel like bursting into tears or suddenly fight back waves of anger. As your period nears, you feel crampy, cranky and tired.
For each individual, the symptoms vary from minor to life altering for a few days. Physically, you may be dealing with tender breasts, bloating and strange cravings for food that often lead to weight gain. This is what some doctors say are mental fabrications.
Since early times, PMS myths have given women negative labels, including hysterical and weak. Add to these the supposition that the female system is faulty when it produces the many symptoms of PMS. Mentally, they say, a woman should be able to handle and suppress such things. Or, of course, there is the suggestion that these symptoms are purely brought on by the imagination. This is one of the biggest myths of PMS. Men in particular, it seems, fail to understand the impact hormones can have, although some female physicians also fall into the "it's all in your head" camp.
Other PMS Misconceptions (and Some Facts)
Odd misconceptions regarding PMS continue make the rounds. Some are clearly outrageous, while others are based in a bit of fact. Clearly, the entire range of symptoms may truly be a combination of physical, emotional, genetic and outside influences. These, many experts believe, act as triggers that can create a wide array of PMS distress.
•PMS is contagious. Some people believe that a woman suffering from PMS exudes a negative force. This suggested aura is what leads some to claim they must "walk on eggshells" when a female displays overt personality changes.
•PMS is a result of outside influences. Research continues into how lifestyle and outside conflicts impact PMS. While most agree that stress or negative habits are not the main cause of PMS, they do believe that women who "try to do it all" experience higher levels of distress. Diet, smoking and lack of exercise may also play a role.
•PMS is hereditary. Scientific research does not support this theory. However, some studies do reflect that a family history could possible mean a higher incidence of symptoms, although the type of complaints may vary.
•PMS is curable. As long as the ovaries produce eggs, PMS symptoms can occur. When this cycle is interrupted, during pregnancy and at menopause, women generally report that the condition goes away. Those who undergo a total hysterectomy, in which both ovaries are removed, also experience a cessation of symptoms. Research into vitamin deficiencies, chemical imbalances and stress reduction continues.
•PMS makes a woman mentally unstable. This long-held belief is what feminists began fighting against decades ago. As the "weaker sex," females were not fit to head corporations or act in any leadership roles. It is true, however, that a rare condition known as PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) can lead to extreme mental and physical limitations in the days prior to menstruation.
The Final Word on PMS
Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer for what causes PMS. That means many fallacies will continue to surround women and their monthly cycles. Even in our technologically advanced times, there are still the lingering PMS myths of suppressed rage, mental incapacity and physical imbalances.
Lichten, Edward, M.D., P.C. (n.d.). PMS Information. Retrieved July 30, 2007, from the Lichten Wellness Center Web site: http://www.usdoctor.com/pms.htm.
Medicalnewstoday.com (2007). Most US Men Believe PMS Is a Normal Part of a Woman's Cycle. Retrieved July 30, 2007, from the Medical News Today Web site: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/19302.php.
Medicinenet.com (1996-2007). Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Retrieved July 30, 2007, from the MedicineNet, Inc. Web site: http://www.medicinenet.com/premenstrual_syndrome/article.htm.
Despite the fact that premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is now generally attributed to hormonal changes, many people still challenge women who complain. Who hasn't heard the comment, "Oh, she must be PMSing," when a female cries or loses her temper? Snide remarks about aggressive women, whether they're in the boardroom or behind the wheel of a car, always elicit a few laughs.
Indeed, the debate rages on about whether PMS is just a psychosomatic condition or is a genuine product of the female reproductive system. Many experts support the fact that PMS does cause very real symptoms; however, even in our modern times, reports continue to surface that it may just be "all in your head."
What is PMS – Really?
Since the 1930s, mention of PMS has brought to light the many emotional and physical challenges women face in the days leading up to a period. Discussion, debate and research have led professionals down different paths in trying to tag symptoms and understand the entire menstrual cycle.
What they do know is that in an ideal environment, the ovaries produce eggs that travel through the fallopian tubes. In that time, hormones are released; in particular estrogen and progesterone. As an egg makes its way to the uterus in preparation for fertilization or sloughing off, these hormones perform a host of functions.
In conjunction with these events, chemicals in the body also respond and lend their support throughout the central nervous system. In the brain, neurotransmitters send signals that estrogen is rising or falling, for instance. This activity, scientists suggest, is responsible for a portion of PMS.
On the other hand, it seems that some doctors continue to dismiss women's claims that they may feel more tired or irritable at a certain time of the month. A few may even suggest that it is your "choice" to have PMS or not. This line of thinking leads to the many myths – and jokes – that surround premenstrual syndrome.
PMS – It's All In the Head
You sense a mild depression developing a few days before a period. You become a little clumsy, feel like bursting into tears or suddenly fight back waves of anger. As your period nears, you feel crampy, cranky and tired.
For each individual, the symptoms vary from minor to life altering for a few days. Physically, you may be dealing with tender breasts, bloating and strange cravings for food that often lead to weight gain. This is what some doctors say are mental fabrications.
Since early times, PMS myths have given women negative labels, including hysterical and weak. Add to these the supposition that the female system is faulty when it produces the many symptoms of PMS. Mentally, they say, a woman should be able to handle and suppress such things. Or, of course, there is the suggestion that these symptoms are purely brought on by the imagination. This is one of the biggest myths of PMS. Men in particular, it seems, fail to understand the impact hormones can have, although some female physicians also fall into the "it's all in your head" camp.
Other PMS Misconceptions (and Some Facts)
Odd misconceptions regarding PMS continue make the rounds. Some are clearly outrageous, while others are based in a bit of fact. Clearly, the entire range of symptoms may truly be a combination of physical, emotional, genetic and outside influences. These, many experts believe, act as triggers that can create a wide array of PMS distress.
•PMS is contagious. Some people believe that a woman suffering from PMS exudes a negative force. This suggested aura is what leads some to claim they must "walk on eggshells" when a female displays overt personality changes.
•PMS is a result of outside influences. Research continues into how lifestyle and outside conflicts impact PMS. While most agree that stress or negative habits are not the main cause of PMS, they do believe that women who "try to do it all" experience higher levels of distress. Diet, smoking and lack of exercise may also play a role.
•PMS is hereditary. Scientific research does not support this theory. However, some studies do reflect that a family history could possible mean a higher incidence of symptoms, although the type of complaints may vary.
•PMS is curable. As long as the ovaries produce eggs, PMS symptoms can occur. When this cycle is interrupted, during pregnancy and at menopause, women generally report that the condition goes away. Those who undergo a total hysterectomy, in which both ovaries are removed, also experience a cessation of symptoms. Research into vitamin deficiencies, chemical imbalances and stress reduction continues.
•PMS makes a woman mentally unstable. This long-held belief is what feminists began fighting against decades ago. As the "weaker sex," females were not fit to head corporations or act in any leadership roles. It is true, however, that a rare condition known as PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) can lead to extreme mental and physical limitations in the days prior to menstruation.
The Final Word on PMS
Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer for what causes PMS. That means many fallacies will continue to surround women and their monthly cycles. Even in our technologically advanced times, there are still the lingering PMS myths of suppressed rage, mental incapacity and physical imbalances.
Lichten, Edward, M.D., P.C. (n.d.). PMS Information. Retrieved July 30, 2007, from the Lichten Wellness Center Web site: http://www.usdoctor.com/pms.htm.
Medicalnewstoday.com (2007). Most US Men Believe PMS Is a Normal Part of a Woman's Cycle. Retrieved July 30, 2007, from the Medical News Today Web site: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/19302.php.
Medicinenet.com (1996-2007). Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Retrieved July 30, 2007, from the MedicineNet, Inc. Web site: http://www.medicinenet.com/premenstrual_syndrome/article.htm.
org lelaki pon ada PMS~yuhuuuu...
Male PMS: Irritable Male Syndrome
When most people think of PMS they think of women. However, researchers recently discovered that many men suffer from a condition similar to PMS called irritable male syndrome (IMS). Men with IMS often experience mood swings, stomach cramps and even hot flashes. These symptoms and others are caused by a drop in the male hormone testosterone.
IMS can manifest at any time because, unlike women who experience monthly hormone cycles, men experience a daily hormone cycle. Males' levels of testosterone are highest after waking and fall throughout the day.
Irritable Male Syndrome Symptoms
A variety of symptoms are linked to irritable male syndrome. A man experiencing IMS may experience the following symptoms:
Changes in the male hormone cycle can also cause males to experience the following:
•a lack of arousal
•hot flashes
•sexual dysfunction
•stomach cramps.
The male version of PMS can cause men to feel antisocial and depressed and can leave them unable to concentrate.
Irritable Male Syndrome Causes
Men experience a natural drop in testosterone every day. However, there are certain outside factors that can cause testosterone levels to fall:
•certain medications
•diet (Eating too few or too many calories can impact testosterone levels, as can eating an unbalanced diet.)
•excessive alcohol consumption
•lack of sleep
Irritable Male Syndrome Studies
There have been a number of studies focusing on male PMS. Many of these studies have been conducted on animals. One such study was conducted on Soay sheep.
In the study, scientists noted that the testosterone levels in the sheep were highest in the autumn months, during which time the male sheep experienced an increase in mating activity. In the winter months, hormone leaves dropped dramatically and the sheep become nervous and anxious around females. The decrease in testosterone also caused the males to lash out at one another.
Coping with Irritable Male Syndrome
If you think you might be experiencing irritable male syndrome, schedule an appointment with your doctor. He will be able to determine if your symptoms are caused by a natural drop in testosterone or from a more serious medical condition.
If your doctor determines that your symptoms are indeed caused by normal changes in testosterone he will likely give you advice on coping with IMS symptoms. Sometimes IMS symptoms can be alleviated with topical creams, such as male progesterone cream or AndroGel®.
Your doctor might also suggest you take the following to help control your IMS symptoms:
•saw palmetto.
Avoiding Irritable Male Syndrome
In order to help balance hormone levels and avoid irritable male syndrome, men should try to eat a well-balanced diet. Men should try to breakdown their diet in the following manner to help balance their hormone cycle:
•10 percent saturated fat
•25 percent fat
•35 percent low glycemic carbohydrates (carbohydrates that are digested slowly and that do not cause insulin levels to spike)
•40 percent protein.
With this diet plan and approximately 30 to 40 minutes of exercise each day and six to eight hours of sleep each night, most men can reduce the symptoms of IMS and stabilize their hormones.
Fields, S. (n.d.). "Male PMS and Low Testosterone Levels Linked". Retrieved August 1, 2007, from http://www.4-men.org/testosterone/pms.html.
Kwiatkowski, J. (2003, January 28). irritable male syndrome . Retrieved August 1, 2007, from http://www.wordspy.com/words/irritablemalesyndrome.asp.
Moody men blame their hormones (2002, February 27). Retrieved August 1, 2007, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1844648.stm.
When most people think of PMS they think of women. However, researchers recently discovered that many men suffer from a condition similar to PMS called irritable male syndrome (IMS). Men with IMS often experience mood swings, stomach cramps and even hot flashes. These symptoms and others are caused by a drop in the male hormone testosterone.
IMS can manifest at any time because, unlike women who experience monthly hormone cycles, men experience a daily hormone cycle. Males' levels of testosterone are highest after waking and fall throughout the day.
Irritable Male Syndrome Symptoms
A variety of symptoms are linked to irritable male syndrome. A man experiencing IMS may experience the following symptoms:
Changes in the male hormone cycle can also cause males to experience the following:
•a lack of arousal
•hot flashes
•sexual dysfunction
•stomach cramps.
The male version of PMS can cause men to feel antisocial and depressed and can leave them unable to concentrate.
Irritable Male Syndrome Causes
Men experience a natural drop in testosterone every day. However, there are certain outside factors that can cause testosterone levels to fall:
•certain medications
•diet (Eating too few or too many calories can impact testosterone levels, as can eating an unbalanced diet.)
•excessive alcohol consumption
•lack of sleep
Irritable Male Syndrome Studies
There have been a number of studies focusing on male PMS. Many of these studies have been conducted on animals. One such study was conducted on Soay sheep.
In the study, scientists noted that the testosterone levels in the sheep were highest in the autumn months, during which time the male sheep experienced an increase in mating activity. In the winter months, hormone leaves dropped dramatically and the sheep become nervous and anxious around females. The decrease in testosterone also caused the males to lash out at one another.
Coping with Irritable Male Syndrome
If you think you might be experiencing irritable male syndrome, schedule an appointment with your doctor. He will be able to determine if your symptoms are caused by a natural drop in testosterone or from a more serious medical condition.
If your doctor determines that your symptoms are indeed caused by normal changes in testosterone he will likely give you advice on coping with IMS symptoms. Sometimes IMS symptoms can be alleviated with topical creams, such as male progesterone cream or AndroGel®.
Your doctor might also suggest you take the following to help control your IMS symptoms:
•saw palmetto.
Avoiding Irritable Male Syndrome
In order to help balance hormone levels and avoid irritable male syndrome, men should try to eat a well-balanced diet. Men should try to breakdown their diet in the following manner to help balance their hormone cycle:
•10 percent saturated fat
•25 percent fat
•35 percent low glycemic carbohydrates (carbohydrates that are digested slowly and that do not cause insulin levels to spike)
•40 percent protein.
With this diet plan and approximately 30 to 40 minutes of exercise each day and six to eight hours of sleep each night, most men can reduce the symptoms of IMS and stabilize their hormones.
Fields, S. (n.d.). "Male PMS and Low Testosterone Levels Linked". Retrieved August 1, 2007, from http://www.4-men.org/testosterone/pms.html.
Kwiatkowski, J. (2003, January 28). irritable male syndrome . Retrieved August 1, 2007, from http://www.wordspy.com/words/irritablemalesyndrome.asp.
Moody men blame their hormones (2002, February 27). Retrieved August 1, 2007, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1844648.stm.
How to cope with a bad boss

by Marci Alboher, Working the New Economy, on Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:50am PDT
To mangle Tolstoy, good bosses are all alike. They are good mentors; they care about your happiness and advancement; their interests seem aligned with your own.
Bad bosses, on the other hand, come in many flavors. And a new book, "Working for You Isn't Working for Me," by Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster, provides a field guide to the many species of bad boss. There's the "checked out" boss (can these really survive in this kind of job market?), the "rule changer" (who tells you to take a lunch break then seems surprised you're not at your desk), the "underminer" (who asks you for help and then makes it impossible for you to assist), the "chronic critic" (needs no explanation), and a slew of others. For each bad behavior, the authors give sample scenarios to help you recognize your situation, and then walks you through a process to take back power and correct it.
This is is a book that should sit next to all your other reference bibles so that you can consult it as difficult situations arise. I asked Katherine (KC) and Kathi (KE) to answer some commonly-asked questions about situations we've all encountered.
Q: How is dealing with a bad boss different than dealing with a difficult family member?
KC – Bosses and family members share often many characteristics, but by the time we’re adults, most of us don’t depend on difficult family members for our livelihood. A boss, on the other hand, has direct control over your paycheck and your daily experience at work. A bad boss is like having a bad business parent who can have a negative impact on your career, your financial future and your confidence.
KE – Fortunately, the workplace offers clearer cut boundaries than home. There are employment laws, and people around who can monitor, filter and support your relationship with your boss. But, in the family we have fewer options. The four-step process that we lay out in Working for You Isn’t Working for Me (detect, detach, depersonalize, and deal) would in fact work at home as well as in the workplace.
Q: We all know that you can't change people. So is it all about controlling or changing your reactions to a bad boss?
KE – Yes, since your chances of changing your boss are slim, you’re best option is to work on your reaction to the boss. We call it taking back your power. The power that you do have is how you react to the boss and how you take care of yourself within the relationship.
KC – It’s important to be able to identify exactly what the boss does that bothers you -- which is why we spell out 20 different kinds of behaviors in our book. But it’s equally important to craft a plan for re-charging yourself. You want to restore your energy (through exercise, meditation, or healthy escapes), repair your emotional state (circulate, don’t isolate) and re-build your confidence (write down your successes everyday, find places to showcase your talents).
KE – Let’s say your boss criticizes everything you do (we call this kind of boss a chronic critic). He or she probably isn’t going to change. Once you realize this, you can neutralize the pain of receiving constant negative feedback by engaging in rigorous exercise, spending time with a mentor, and contributing your skills to a cause or an industry event that you believe in.
Q: Is it possible to do good work and have a really good experience of work under a really bad boss?
KE – No, not really. If your boss is truly bad: micro-manages you, undermines your efforts, lies, changes direction all the time or only finds your flaws, your experience at work is not going to be good. It’s very difficult to feel successful without the support of your boss.
KC – You can, however, find ways to manage the relationship so that it doesn’t spoil your day and won’t block your career. Instead of focusing your attention on how miserable it is to work for this person, we encourage people to keep building their skills and expanding their networks outside of work. By creating options, you’ll feel less trapped.
Q: What are some of the things you should do when your boss or the person who managed your work leaves the and you're not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling from the person who takes over?
KC – When a former boss leaves, there’s always a period of loss and adjustment, and that time is especially difficult if you don’t like the replacement or if you sense that he/she might not like you. It’s a good idea to find out what your new boss’s management style is and what his or her goals are for your division. The more you can communicate your willingness to be part of the new plan, the better your chances of becoming a welcome member of the team.
KE – Understanding who you are and what you require of anyone who manages you can also help you as you try to learn how to work under a new boss. We suggest you take our boss baggage assessment (chapter 5) to learn what you expect from your boss, what you need from your boss and what you fear about your boss. Then see how your way of relating to authority fits with your new leader’s style.
Q: Are there certain situations or types of bad bosses when is the only solution to leave the job?
KC – By far the toughest boss to work for is what we call a Persecutor. This is someone who targets you and makes your life miserable; intentionally scolding you, belittling you, blocking you, and intimidating you at every opportunity. Unless you are a temporary target, it’s best to find the safest exit ASAP.
KE – We believe that it’s time to leave when the situation with your boss is affecting your health. It’s normal to lose some sleep because of work, or to have bad days. But if your situation has turned chronic and is causing you excessive illness, it’s safe to say that this relationship is causing you more harm than good.
saya suka hujan~

aku rasa aku pnh dgr ayat ni..
tp sbb aku suka..
aku ulang blk ayat2 tersebut..
saya suka hujan..
kalu saya nangis dlm hujan,
org lain x taw..
kalu saya kencing pon..
org lain x taw..
jd nya..
saya suka hujan..
saya suka basah dlm hujan..
p/s:gambo dicopet dr http://bayan.blogmas.com/files/2008/12/hujan1-300x201.jpg
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